Bonding is usually fixed using composite materials to cover dental gaps, repair tooth decay and fractures, and change the appearance of grooved or colored teeth. The bonding technique, which is also used to resize teeth, also has a rescue function when porcelain cannot be applied to broken teeth with small trauma or fall effect.

By attaching natural tooth-shaped structures to the tooth surface by removing deformities and staining teeth, the teeth are also stain-free when they return to their previous functions. Bonding is easily applied even in cases where the half-tooth is broken. Provides pain relief and painless treatment in one sitting. It can be used as a supportive application after braces treatments.

How is Bonding Treatment Done?

Bonding treatment takes between 30 and 60 minutes on average and is completed in a single session.

Tooth Preparation: The tooth to be bonded is prepared in advance, unless your tooth is decayed, anesthesia is not applied. The dentist starts the treatment preparation by choosing the closest composite filling color that closely matches the color of your bonding tooth on the color guide.

Bonding Process: The surface of the tooth to be bonded is roughened and a conditioning fluid is applied, this ensures that the adhesive material adheres to the tooth. Then, tooth-colored adhesive material is applied and formed into the desired shape before hardening. A laser or bright light is often used to cure the bonding material. After the bonding material has hardened, it can be shaped and cut by the dentist. The dentist then polishes it to perfectly match the shade and gloss of the remaining tooth surface.

Who can get a bonding request?

The bonding method, which can be applied at any age, eliminates all aesthetic concerns in dental structures. Fillers links in the form of treatments for people who do not like the shape of the tooth. They are made

  • To change the color or shape of the tooth,
  • For those who want to enlarge their teeth or remove their imperfections,
  • With fractures of teeth,
  • With spaces between teeth,
  • With tooth decay,
  • It is well suited for dental bonding application.

Interconnection is a very fast and economical application that meets all budgets. While the dentist’s decision to determine whether bonding and filling procedures are beneficial to the patient, alternative treatments will be recommended by dentists.